Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hydrocephalus: Too Much Water on the Brain

It can be surprising to realize that an organ as high-powered and sophisticated as the brain also has a plumbing system. And, as the case with a house's plumbing, the drainage side of the system can get gummed up. But the symptoms are different. When a home's drainage backs up, well...I won't go there. When the brain's drainage system backs up, the brain's owner can become confused, incontinent of urine and unsteady on his or her feet.

The plumbing system in question is that which produces and drains the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Normal CSF looks the same as water from a faucet, but is created from the bloodstream in the choroid plexus tissue within three of the brain's four inner chambers -- the right and left "lateral" ventricles and the midline "fourth" ventricle, but not the interposed, midline "third" ventricle. The CSF percolates through passageways from one ventricle to another, finally emerging through openings at the base of the brain to bathe the outer surfaces of the brain and spinal cord before getting reabsorbed into the bloodstream again. This re-absorption occurs in special collection-nodes in the membranes surrounding the brain. The entire CSF volume of about 150 milliliters or five ounces (about as much as a glass of wine) is produced and reabsorbed four times a day, so the fluid is constantly turning over.

But blockages along the way can interfere with the normal flow of the CSF. For example, when the passageway between the third and fourth ventricles becomes narrowed or choked with sludge, the CSF backs into the lateral and third ventricles. Those ventricles react to the increased pressure by becoming physically dilated or enlarged. In this case, a CT or MRI scan could reveal the location of the blockage by showing expansion of the two lateral and the single third ventricles, but a normal-sized fourth ventricle. Another example of a blockage and its consequences is when the collection-nodes responsible for CSF re-absorption in the brain's overlying membranes (meninges) become clogged. In this case, all four ventricles are upstream from the blockage, and all four of them expand. This, too, is visible on brain scans.

Both cases are examples of hydrocephalus, or water on the brain. The first case is one of "internal" or high-pressure hydrocephalus. The second is called "external" or normal-pressure hydrocephalus (NPH). In NPH the pressure is inexplicably normal much of the time, but the term is somewhat misleading because prolonged recordings with pressure-monitors do show intermittent periods of increased pressure.

Hydrocephalus of one kind or another is especially prevalent at the two extremes of the life cycle -- in the very young and the very old -- but can occur at any age. In infancy, hydrocephalus can be caused by malformed brain-tissue. In contrast, adults with hydrocephalus were usually born with normal brain anatomy, but acquired a blockage due to a tumor, injury, bleed or infection. However, many cases of hydrocephalus in adults occur without a history of these preceding illnesses.

CT and MRI scans are sensitive tools in detecting hydrocephalus, particularly when it's striking enough not be confused with ventricular enlargement due to gradual loss of surrounding brain tissue from aging. The main treatment of hydrocephalus is for a surgeon to insert a tube (shunt) into one of the swollen lateral ventricles and provide an alternative pathway for the backed-up CSF to drain. Once the shunt equipment is in place, a piece of hardware about the size of a large button sits outside the hole made in the skull (but inside the skin of the scalp) and redirects the excess CSF through another tube into either a jugular vein in the neck or into the abdominal cavity (peritoneum). Thus, the patient can receive either a "VJ" shunt or a "VP" shunt, with the letters designating the locations of the two ends of the shunt.

The success or failure of shunting depends not just on the skill of the surgeon, but also on the selection of appropriate patients. Sometimes hydrocephalus turns up unexpectedly on scans when doctors are looking for something else entirely. Although an unexpected finding like this should always cause the doctors to re-think the case, the point is that hydrocephalus doesn't always cause problems. Sometimes the hydrocephalus has been there for years and the brain has adjusted to it in a way that produces no symptoms. This is an example of a case that should not be shunted, though it would still be appropriate to monitor the patient and his or her scans over subsequent months and years.

Who, then, should receive a shunt? The answer, in short, is people for whom the benefits of the operation exceed its risks. Identifying them, however, is the tough part. And the task is made even more difficult by the lack of randomized, controlled trials in which a group of patients receiving treatment is compared to an equivalent group of patients not receiving treatment. Although similar reasoning applies to adults thought to have internal (high-pressure) hydrocephalus, I'll lay out the decision-tree as it applies to external (normal-pressure) hydrocephalus. Published observations imply that shunts are most likely to help NPH patients who have the following features:

substantial enlargement of all four ventricles
a full "triad" of symptoms, including confusion, urinary incontinence and altered walking
poor walking as the first of the three symptoms
temporary improvement of symptoms after drainage of 50-60 milliliters (2 ounces) of CSF by lumbar puncture (spinal tap)

The elderly patients most at risk for NPH are also at increased risk for other diseases, and the shunting operation doesn't help symptoms produced by other causes. For example, confusion can be caused by Alzheimer's disease and strokes. Urinary incontinence can be due to prostate disease in men and sagging pelvic tissue in women. Walking can be disrupted by arthritis, fractured bones, low vision, inner-ear disease, Parkinson's disease and many other unrelated processes.

So it's important for the doctor to determine if other diseases might be to blame for the very symptoms that seem, at first glance, to be from NPH. Assuming that NPH still seems likely, the next round of decision-making concerns the possibility that an operation will cause harm. Even a patient whose brain scan and symptoms are classic for NPH can develop serious complications from the operation. A particularly feared complication is bleeding into the space outside the brain, called a subdural hematoma. Older patients are also more likely to have other medical conditions that could compromise the safety of an operation, like coronary artery disease or emphysema.

Cases in which expected benefits of the operation are much greater than risks, or in which the risks are much greater than the expected benefits, are easy to make decisions about. But many other cases are in the gray zone in which potential benefits and risks are more evenly matched and the chances of doing harm with an operation come close to canceling out the chances of doing good.

(C) 2006 by Gary Cordingley

Gary Cordingley, MD, PhD, is a clinical neurologist, teacher and researcher who works in Athens, Ohio. For more health-related articles see his websites at: and

Spinal Cord: Tracing the Sensitive Nerve thread

By Nilutpal Gogoi


The spinal cord is a highly sensitive nerve thread. It extends up to 18 inches. The spinal cord is the communication highway between the brain and other parts of the body. The spinal cord along with the brain constitutes vital parts of the central nervous system (CNS). Incidentally, the CNS is the main managing unit of our body.


The spinal cord does the linkup job via bundles of neuron or peripheral nerves. These nerves are of two types, viz., UMNs (Upper Motor Neurons) and LMNs (Lower Motor Neurons). The UMNs are the spinal tract messengers. They carry the stimuli from the brain to other spinal nerves and vice versa.
On the other hand, the LMNs communicate with targeted sections of the body. The LMNs have entry and exit points at each vertebral stage. The LMN sensory portions convey sensation information from the skin and other organs as well as body parts to the brain. The LMN motor portions carry forth messages from brain to different parts of the body. Thus, the LMN brings about movement of the muscles.


The spinal cord is made up of mainly gray matters. The spinal cord also remains surrounded by certain white substances. Most of the gray materials are dendrites and cell bodies. The white portion called tracts is made up of interneuronal axons bundles. These tracts are the messengers to and from the brain.
Whereas some tracts carry stimuli or information to the brain (hence identified as ascending) the others convey such information from the brain (therefore called descending).


Several bone rings called vertebrae (singular is vertebra) enfold the spinal cord. These bones go to construct the back bone or the spinal column. Depending on their locations, the vertebrae are christened. The eight Cervical Vertebrae are located in the neck. From top to bottom, they are identified as C-1 to C-8. Similarly, the dozen chest vertebrae are known as the Thoracic Vertebrae. Take for instance the top rib is attached to the first thoracic vertebra (T-1).


The spinal cord starts from the brain stem (the lower portion) and ends at the vertebra called ‘L1’ or the first lumbar. It passes via the vertebral backbone at the central portion of body’s dorsal side. From L1, the spinal cord assumes the form of Cauda Equina. Notably, only spinal nerves continue from this stage. There is no spinal cord beyond the first or the second lumbar vertebrae.


This Latin term means the tail of a horse. Cauda equina resembling the hairy tail-end of a horse is actually an extension of the spinal cord. It is made up of nerve rootlets. This structure is located at the spinal column’s lower end (vertebra L3).The spinal cord remains only till the Cauda equina. These hairy roots extend the communication network to the spine end. Cauda equina stay suspended within spinal fluid.


This spinal cord stays insulated within the vertebral column. The vertebral column moves via the spinal canal. The vertebral column is made up of vertebrae. The vertebrae are divided into five clusters (from bottom to top): the coccyx, sacrum, lumbar vertebrae, thoracic and the cervical. Within each vertebrate the spinal cord is shielded by a bony casing comprising the vertebral column.
Mentionably, the spinal cord passes down to the sacral vertebrae within a human fetus. But as a person grows, his spinal cord develops slower than the body. As a consequence thereof, the spinal cord touches only the first or second lumbar vertebrae during the person’s adulthood.


When the spinal cord suffers any damage, it is called Spinal Cord Injury (SCI). Such SCI may even lead to serious dysfunctions. It is to be noted that a person may not have his/her spinal cord severed; but even then that person may suffer from SCI. It is important to note that SCI is vastly different from back injuries like pinched nerves, spinal stenosis, and ruptured disks.
An SCI cannot happen only if the bones (the vertebrae) surrounding the spinal cord are damaged and the spinal cord is not affected at all. Mentionably, if the vertebrae are damaged the patient may not even suffer immediate paralysis if those broken vertebrae get stabilized following a surgery.


A person having recurrent SCIs may even lose mobility and the sense of feeling. The two major causes of such frequent SCIs are diseases and trauma. The diseases that lead to SCI are among others Friedreich’s Ataxia, spina bifida, and polio. Trauma can be the result of sudden shocking events like gun shots, and vehicle accidents, to mention but two.


Among the prominent spinal cord and nerve structures are the Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF), Meninges and Dermatones. The Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) is a shock absorber. This clear fluid moves around the tissues. It is also the primary agent shielding the spinal cord from any injuries. The CSF is located within the spinal cord, the spinal canal and the Ventricles (brain chambers). This clear liquid gets secreted from the brain’s ventricles (forming the vascular portion) known as the Choroids Plexus. The CSF consists of various glucose, proteins, and electrolytes. A normal adult generally possesses approximately 150 milliliters of CSF.

The Meninges provide the membrane protection cover to the spinal cord and the brain -- the two main agents of the Central Nervous System. Meninges are of three types viz., Pia Mater, Arachnoid Mater, and Dura Mater. The highly vascular and most delicate membrane is the pia mater. Our neural structures get blood from these membranes. The arachnoid mater is made up of veins and arteries. A fluid known as the cerebrospinal fluid fills up the Subarachnoid space. The dura mater layer is thicker than arachnoid mater. The dura mater makes up the outer layer of the nerve roots and the spinal cord. It is gray in color. It is made up of sturdy connective tissues. The Dermatome is made up of skin mater. This portion is constituted of fibers that emanate from the root of a spinal nerve.

AUTHOR BACKGROUND: Nilutpal Gogoi is a writer and a freelance journalist having more than 18 years of service in several audio-visual and print media reputed organizations in North East India. He has published more than 1000 articles and a popular adventure book for children.
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Understanding the Chiropractic Subluxation

It is axiomatic that consistently accurate clinical decisions are irrevocably intertwined with the understanding that the subluxation is not a random, unpredictable biomechanical event. But rather, a neuropathological state which exhibits multifaceted, measurable manifestations in the neuromusculoskeletal system which occur in patterns as predictable as a mathematical formula.

The role of the chiropractor, then, is not simply the mobilization of a stuck joint' as some have wrongly imagined, but correction of patterns of functional neuropathology. In this, the chiropractor must make a carefully weighted decision in each and every patient consultation, keeping accurate and exhaustive records in order to facilitate recognition of recurring patterns of subluxation.

That functional neuropathology accompanies disease and biological imbalance, and freedom from such neuropathology is necessary for the individual to enjoy the benefits of homeostasis, has always been, and always will be, the fundamental philosophic premise upon which the science and art of chiropractic is predicated (Palmer 1910).

The relentless search for the specific in each individual which, when corrected, will result in the elimination of neuropathology, and the restoration of homeostasis (Strang 1984) remains the original franchise of the chiropractor.

The subluxation complex is based on precise, predictable patterns of neuropathology, kinesiopathology and compensation pattern (Lantz 1995). Each of these elements of the subluxation complex must be present every time and in every case before a precise chiropractic adjustment of the subluxation complex can occur.

The inherent importance of the above rule is that it provides for specific subluxation diagnosis. Working in this way and in particular in allowing the neuropathology to guide examination and diagnosis provides for the treatment of one subluxation complex and not of many compensations which display one but not all of the properties required for subluxation diagnosis.

Additionally, the precise and predictable patterns allow for the testing and proving of subluxation correction before any care is implemented. The neuropathology of the subluxation complex, involves the synthesis of four neuro-physiological mechanisms which provide an explanation of the neurological effect that the subluxation has on neurological function.

Mechanism #1: The Effect of Dural Tension

The major mechanical attachments of the dura are at the cranium, upper cervical spine and lumbar-sacral junction and involve attachments to the occiput, ligamentum flavum, rectus capitis posterior minor, directly to C2 and C3 and via Hoffman's and Trolard's ligaments to L5 and sacrum (Snell 1992, Barbaix et al. 2000, Wadhwani et al. 2004).

Cerebro-spinal fluid flow is dependent upon, among others, the appropriate function of the contractible meninges (Greitz 1993). If the biomechanical lie of the dura is changed due to aberrant kinesiology, then the contractible function of the meninges becomes impaired and thus contributes to a change in CSF flow, changing the CSF pressure and affecting the function of a number of central nervous system structures.

Kinesiopathology results in a change in the lie of the dura, and is associated with a change in CSF pressure. This results in aberrant reticular formation function causing the processing of inappropriate neurological signals which reach the cerebral cortex and must be processed into a meaningful efferent output.

The cerebral cortex is also challenged by a change in CSF pressure and in so doing fails to adequately synthesize the sensory information resulting in the process known as dysafferentation (Seaman 1998, Knutson 1999).

Mechanism #2: Noxious Mechanoreceptor Input from the Dura

The major innervation of the dura is through slow reacting type C fibres and fast reacting type A fibres, principally at the cervico-cranial junction (Snell 1992). Additionally the ventral dura is richly innervated by the sinuvertebral nerve plexus and from a number of perivascular nerve plexi (Groen et al. 1988, Fricke et al. 2001).

As with any ascending sensory information, the ascending tract for the transmission of nociceptive information is mainly via the spinothalamic tract. This tract communicates directly with the thalamus but also sends some fibres via the reticular formation. The spinoreticular tract is also thought to be involved in nociception (Mense 2004).

If dural tension is created by aberrant kinesiology the contractibility of the meninges is effected (Greitz 1993) and nociceptor stimulation will occur. This creates a noxious input from the dural system into the central nervous system creating a type of sensory overload. The sensory information must be adequately processed by the reticular formation and thalamus so that the cortex receives appropriate sensory information.

Failure to adequately process sensory information into appropriate efferent information is known as dysafferentation.

Mechanism #3: Noxious Mechanoreceptor Input from the Facet Joints

The facet joints are innervated by a variety of types of nerve endings. Principally types I,II, III and IV have been recognised (Mclain 1994, Mclain and Pickar 1998, Snell,1992). The type IV nerve ending is a free nerve ending and is particularly relevant to nociception.

The mechanoreceptor pathways which feed in to the CNS are the spinothalamic and spinocerebellar tracts and the posterior columns. This contribution of sensory information is transmitted via a number of central nervous system structures including the cerebellum, reticular formation and thalamus.

Aberrant kinesiopathology, changes the orientation of the facet joint and its capsule and may expose the synovium to mechanical stress (Inami et al. 2000). Aberrant facet position and the physiological irritation of the anatomical structures can result in the sensory overload discussed in mechanism 2.

Mechanism #4: Aberrant Sympathetic Activity

The superior cervical ganglion communicates with the upper four cervical nerves via the grey rami communicantes (Snell 1992). Furthermore the sympathetic fibres communicate with the ventral nerve plexus which surrounds the vertebral column (Groen et al. 1990).

The sympathetic nervous system has many functions but one of particular relevance to central nervous system function is the control of cerebral hemodynamics including the Circle of Willis. The Circle of Willis provides the blood supply to the cerebral cortex.

Aberrant sympathetic activity which may occur due to excessive facet irritation (Suseki et al. 1996) or in very extreme cases through prolonged stress (Kadojic et al. 1999) results in vasoconstriction and a change in cerebral hemodynamics.

If this is the case, the already challenged cerebral cortex will again be negatively influenced adding to the inability to adequately synthesis afferent information in to appropriate (motor) output.

The Common Elements

Each of the discussed neurological mechanisms contributes to the neuropathology of the subluxation. Each mechanism results in the process known as DYSAFFERENTATION and it is this which is crucial to the understanding of the neurological effect of the subluxation complex.

Additionally, all sensory pathways decussate. This means that adverse sensory events initiated on the left side of the body are interpreted by the right brain and vice versa. Finally, the effect on the autonomic nervous system is noted by the interconnections of the reticular formation and the superior cervical ganglion.

The Chiropractic Adjustment

The chiropractic adjustment is a precise and specific intrusion into the nervous system. Delivering any adjustive thrust, and in particular, repeated adjustive thrusts to a compensated region of the spine or extremities must be assiduously avoided at all times if inappropriate neurological input is to be avoided.

Repeated adjustive thrusts will put the patient at risk of developing an iatrogenic hypermobility syndrome at that level (Cox 1997). The chiropractic adjustment can be seen as providing a sort of resetting mechanism to the nervous system. It overrides the gating mechanism and activates specific neurological pathways (Carrick 1997).

The Subluxation-Compensation Relationship

One of the most poorly misunderstood clinical relationships is that of the compensatory response to the subluxation. A compensation is a biomechanical aberration which is invariably devoid of the full complement of physical examination findings that would define it as a subluxation (Herbst 1968) and will be manifest as a predictable pattern of movement loss, hypermobility or both (Davies 2000) with little capacity to cause neuropathology (Plaugher 1993).

Compensation is a kinesiopathologic response to the subluxation and may involve a single motion segment or a whole area of the spine (Gatterman 1995).

Compensation is frequently found as far from the subluxation as the occiput is from the sacrum. Compensatory kinesiopathologic response to the subluxation may be demonstrated on postural assessment and motion palpation examination with the elements related alteration of primary curve contour and disc shape most reliably seen on X-ray.

When is a Subluxation really a Subluxation?

The essence of sound decision-making in chiropractic is the result of a process of clinical logic and deductive reasoning which has taken into account all the available physical evidence. The conclusion that a chiropractic adjustment is an appropriate clinical intervention should only be arrived at when adequate evidence of all five fundamental aspects of the subluxation can be demonstrated.

It is illogical to decide to 'adjust' a given spinal motion segment when only hypomobility, for example, can be demonstrated. Such hypomobility, existing in the absence of other findings, almost certainly represents a compensation (Davies 1997.)

Dr Neil Davies D.C, is the author Chiropractic Pediatrics A Clinical Handbook (Churchill Livingstone 2000) and developer of the NeuroImpulse Protocol and Adjusting the Child seminar programmes for chiropractors. His passion for improving the clinical skills of practicing chiropractors is known in international circles and he will be commencing new courses in USA in 2008.

Are You Only Using Half Your Brain?

The Left & Right Hemispheres of Your Brain 

The right side of your brain controls the muscles on the left side of your body and the left side of your brain controls the muscles on the right side of your body. Also, in general, sensory information from the left side of the body crosses over to the right side of your brain and information from the right side of the body crosses over to the left side of your brain. That's why brain damage to one side of the brain affects the opposite side of the body.

Each side of the brain responds to specific stimuli and controls specific activities. For example, the right brain is used for spatial abilities, face recognition, visual imagery and music. And the left brain is used for linear processing, math and logical abilities.

Left Brain functions: 

Logic, reason, maths, language, reading, writing, analysis, detail, short-term memory, repetition, structure, effort focus...

Right Brain functions: 

Facial recognition, rhythm, visual imagery, creativity, emotions, dreams, long-term memory, the bigger picture, music and tone...

Half the Picture 

The way we live in the western world tends to discourage right brain activity. We are conditioned to think in a linear or logical fashion, to control (even suppress) our emotional expressions, to break ideas and pictures down into pieces. But when we are functioning from a left brain bias we are missing out on the broader perspective offered by the right hemisphere; we may have difficulty in piecing images, words or concepts together, and overall we will lack “vision” in the fullest sense of the term.

There is a direct relationship between brain integration and our quality of performance. When the brain is operating in balance the right and left hemispheres can communicate freely with each other; this cooperation between the hemispheres of the brain allows us to accomplish tasks with ease. It facilitates creative intelligence, full exploration of possibilities in problem solving, thinking out of the box for solutions, ideas and projects; and overall reduced mental stress.

In short, the greater the level of cooperation between the hemispheres of the brain - the better we perform.

Cross Crawl - An Easy way to Balance your Brain 

Cross Crawl derives its name from the way babies move when they are crawling. By using opposite arms and legs as they speed across the carpet babies are assisting their developing brain by stimulating the left and right hemispheres at the same time.

The original research and application of cross crawl was used to help brain damaged children. When baby walkers became popular, there was some concern that they got babies on two legs prematurely and encouraged skipping valuable brain developing crawling time.

In recent years, the simple act of encouraging the use of both sides of the brain at the same time has lead to beneficial breakthroughs for children with learning difficulties and challenges with coordination. For adults, the simple cross crawl exercise gets the right hemisphere back online for problem solving, and creative thinking. This helps reduces overall stress and anxiety and gets you thinking smarter.

How to Cross Crawl 

It’s easy! Cross crawl is simply an exaggeration of our normal walking. As an exercise in simultaneously stimulating both hemispheres of the brain cross crawl is done by marching on the spot raising the opposite arm to leg at each step - that is the right arm is moved with the left leg and the left arm is moved with the right leg.

Swinging the opposite arm and leg across the front of the body slightly increases the benefits. Practicing for just 5 minutes here and there throughout the day is enough to start generating real benefits.

Cross Crawl & CFS 

One key benefit of cross crawl is that it assists in the circulation of Cerebro-Spinal Fluid (CSF). CSF performs the vital functions of protecting the delicate tissues of the brain from injury and bathing the tissues of the brain with essential nutrients.

CSF is circulated by tiny movements in the bones of the skull and pelvis which occur during respiration. If the CSF is stagnated it can result in inadequate communication within the central nervous system and difficulties with coordination. An inactive lifestyle with poor breathing habits can result in the flow of CSF becoming sluggish. The opposite can also be taken as true; good respiration and gentle regular exercise enhances the flow of CSF and improves coordination and communication within the nervous system.

Walking and Conscious Crossover 

As adults one key way to increase our personal performance on all levels is by taking regular walks. Walking encourages the left and right hemispheres of the brain to communicate and cooperate - particularly if the walking action is exaggerated by swinging the arms slightly more than usual.

As we walk when we put one foot forward it is controlled by the opposite hemisphere of the brain. For example if we begin with our left foot, the right hemisphere of the brain is brought into action, then when we put our right foot forward the left hemisphere of the brain takes over briefly until we again step out with the right foot. If, while walking we swing the opposite arm i.e. right arm with left foot and vice versa we are encouraging the hemispheres of the brain to work in simultaneous cooperation.

Ancient Ayurvedic healing texts provide extensive information on different body types and specific activities for bringing the energies of the body into balance. Walking is one of only a few activities which are considered to be beneficial to all body types. It is a safe and self-regulating activity from which there can only be benefit.

The Benefits of Regular Cross Crawl 

The benefits of regular periods of cross crawling include:
• Clear thinking

• Improved coordination & spatial awareness

• Left/Right hemisphere brain balance

• Reduced stress

• Improved vision

• Emotional balance

• Improved memory

• Improved mental clarity

• Stimulation of the lymphatic system

• Spelling, writing

• Reading & comprehension

Cross Crawl Variations 

Sitting - moving the opposite arm and leg together

Marching on the spot - reaching behind the body touching one hand to the opposite foot

Reaching - with the opposite arm and leg in different directions

Laying Down - laying on the back and raising opposite arms and legs

Ananga Sivyer is a health writer with a passion for helping people feel positive and in control of thier lives.
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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Anatomy of the Brain

The brain is an incredibly complex and important organ. It affects almost every aspect of our day-to-day lives, from basic bodily functions like breathing to higher cognitive skills like communication. The complexity of the brain, however, is both a blessing and curse. On one hand, it allows humans to achieve intellectual feats unequaled by any other animal species on earth. On the other hand, it makes the brain a very delicate organ. Even apparently minor injuries to the brain can have significant and long-lasting effects on a person's mental and physical health.

A Vital Organ

Because the brain is so important to the functions and survival of the human body, the body has, in turn, developed several layers of support and defense designed to nourish and protect the brain. For example, the brain receives a disproportionate amount of oxygen and blood flow - approximately 20% of the total amount used by the body. This is remarkable, when one considers that the brain only accounts for 2-3% of the body's total mass. What this also tells us is that the brain needs a very large amount of oxygen to survive. Brain cells can begin to die off after only 3 minutes without sufficient oxygen.

Defense Mechanisms

The brain and central nervous system are insulated and protected by a variety of bodily defense. To begin with, they are enveloped by a series of three membranes collectively known as the meninges. The outermost and toughest of the three meninges is called the dura mater. Underneath it is thearachnoid mater, characterized by a spidery, web-like appearance. The arachnoid mater functions as a type of shock-absorber for the brain. The innermost layer of the meninges is the pia mater, which is a very thin membrane responsible for providing nourishment to brain matter.

Between the inner layer (pia mater) and the middle layer (arachnoid mater) of the meninges is a gap known as thesubarachnoid space, filled with cerebrospinal fluid, or CSF. CSF is a clear, watery fluid which provides cushioning to the brain, as well as a rudimentary barrier against harmful microorganisms. The brain essentially floats inside this liquid shock-absorber.

A final layer of defense for the brain is the skull. Often overlooked (paradoxically) because it is so obvious, the skull is actually, in most cases, a very effective form of defense against physical trauma. Contrary to what many people think, the human skull is not a solid piece of bone. Instead, it is composed as a sort of jigsaw puzzle of 22 bone pieces joined together by rigid sutures.

For more information regarding the brain and how it is affected by injury, consult the resources provided by thetraumatic brain injury lawyers at
Joseph Devine